Thursday, November 6, 2008


Amber and her jack-0-lantern
fun stuff!
Alex and Ethan, working hard
Abby, getting the icky goo out of her pumpkin

We had a great Halloween. We started with Pumpkin carving and then we went to Cheeseburger Cheeseburger for lunch. We got dressed up and Alex went Trick or Treating with Ethan (AKA "neighbor"). I took Amber and Abby, but Amber found some friends and took off with them because Abby only made it to the end of the street. I got to carry her home. Alex and Amber Lee got a TON of candy (yay?)


Tristan said...

How fun! Cute pictures! Amber looks like Callie to me.

Sommer said...

I love Abby's "what the???" picture.

HeavenlyHome said...

Oh, I'm so glad to see an update! Super cute!
Your boy was the Star Wars envy of our home...if only my boys could be jedi every year they would be thrilled!